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Holographic Human-Computer Interface 

Benefits and Applications

Direct manipulation of text and objects reduces the cognitive effort required by users to accomplish their tasks, in that no translation is required from their natural movements to an input device.  When dealing with objects, the results of the users' movements are directly visible in 3D space.  In addition to the effect on the manipulated object, the new realtionships among the displayed objects would be immediately visible, e.g., whether the resulting arrangement of objects was too congested or some objects obscurred others adversely.  In addition to the naturally visible arrangement, allowable or desirable arrangements could be displayed through EMR detection and emission among displayed objects and/or text.  That is, the user could choose to override the manual arrangements when they violated the predetermined boundares and to choose the predetermined arrangment instead.

Virtual reality environments could be quickly projected, using EMR detection and emission, for any application where proximity of displayed objects is important, e.g., surgical procedures or training (see Technology page), modeling and simulation, situational awareness for battle managment, flight simulators, virtual home tours, or games.  Passive Tracking (manual arrangement of objects) could be included as appropriate to the application (Fig. 9).


The range of benefits long identified for Natural User Interfaces (NUI) and related user experiences would all apply and be amplified by eliminating the limiations of two-dimensional surfaces; the space used by the holograms would not be limited to a flat work area and would not be used when the holographic display was not active.

When using emission and detection among displayed holograms, human interaction would be optional, as in Fig. 9.  The the two holograms (50 and 60 in the diagram) could interact through emission and detection of EMR under control of the Holographic Display Unit and the CPU,without intervention of the command object 17.  Alternatively, the command object 17 could be used to postion the hologram 60 prior to or after interaction through EMR.


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